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Radiologic Technology students in lab instruction.

Looking for a health care career that offers mobility and versatility? The radiologic technology field is an excellent choice.

AACC's program offers quality education that is convenient and affordable. Our graduates regularly post higher-than-average pass rates on the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification exam. In fact, 100 percent of last year's class passed the exam! Successful completion of the program awards an Associate of Applied Science degree and eligibility to take the ARRT exam to become certified as a radiologic technologist.

Majors and Offerings

We are proud to offer an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Radiologic Technology.

Learn more about this major and its accreditation.

Faculty and Staff

Program Director

Heide E. Burke, M.A., RT(R)(M)(CT)

Full-time Faculty

Brian Bell, RT(R), Instructor/Clinical Coordinator


The Radiography program is accredited by:

Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) 

20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850

Chicago, IL 60606-3182



The program’s current award is eight years. General program accreditation information and the current accreditation award letter can be found here.

AACC Accreditation

AACC Radiologic Technology accredited program details

Check out our Program Effectiveness Data (per JRCERT).

Radiologic Technology Program Facts

Radiologic Technology Grading Scale
A grade of C or better is required in all radiologic technology courses in order to progress to the next course sequence. The following grading system will be used for all radiologic technology courses:

90%-100% = A
80%-89.9% = B
75-79.9 = C
60-74.9 = D
Anything below a 60 is a grade of F. Grades are not rounded.

Clinical Site Information
Students in the Radiologic Technology program are responsible for transportation to the assigned clinical sites and for payment of parking passes, parking fees and toll fees. The program has more than 18 clinical sites in Glen Burnie, Millersville, Annapolis, Bowie, Baltimore, Kent Island, Columbia and Owings Mills. The farthest site from campus is Owings Mills, which is approximately 32 miles from our Arnold campus. Students will complete rotations in the operating room, orthopedics, emergency room, fluoroscopy, portable X-ray, outpatient and hospital. Students attend clinical sites from 7:50 a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition, all students are required to complete an evening rotation (12:50 to 9 p.m.) at University of Maryland Shock Trauma in Baltimore. Summer rotations are from 7:50 a.m. to 6 p.m., or 10:50 a.m. to 9 p.m. if doing the evening rotation at Shock Trauma. 

Students also may be required to pay a deposit for badges provided by the clinical site.

Clinical Days
First Year

  • Fall and spring: 15-week terms; two clinical days for a total of 16 hours per week

Second Year

  • Summer: nine-week term; up to 32 hours per week
  • Fall and spring: 15-week terms; three clinical days for a total of 24 hours per week

Radiologic Technology Dress Code Policy and General Requirements
The uniform policy is written based on policies and procedures from affiliated clinical sites as well as approval by the advisory board and program faculty. The student is expected to maintain a neat, professional appearance, and therefore uniform requirements are to be followed while at the clinical sites as a student in the AACC Radiologic Technology program.

  • Clinical and Lab Uniforms
    The student will wear uniform tops and pants purchased from Flynn O’Hara. Three pairs of uniform scrub pants and three scrub tops are required. Scrub tops will be embroidered with the program logo. Students may purchase one uniform scrub jacket in white with the AACC school logo embroidered from Flynn O’Hara. Black, closed-toe and closed-heel professional shoes are required. Black socks, knee high stockings or full-length pantyhose/stockings are to be worn with the uniform pants. Students must wear a wristwatch capable of indicating time to the nearest second. Plain white or black shirts may be worn under the uniform top. The undershirt may not hang below the uniform scrub top, cover below the wrist, be any color other than white or black and cannot contain a design. Undershirts may be short- or long-sleeve T-shirt, turtleneck shirt or thermal shirt (without buttons).

  • Radiation Badge (Dosimeter)
    Student must always wear the assigned radiation badge (dosimeter) while at their clinical and lab assignment. Clinical and lab dosimeters are provided by the program and processed through PL Medical.

  • Facial Hair
    Students must be clean shaven or have neatly trimmed facial hair (beard and/or mustache) to ensure the proper fit of an N95 mask if required by the clinical site.

  • Eyewear
    Prescription eyeglasses should consist of professional frames. The frames should not be distractible. Sunglasses may not be worn during lecture, laboratory sessions or clinical assignments unless supporting documentation from Disability Support Services has been presented.
  • Jewelry
    Jewelry is limited to a wedding band, a watch and a single set of stud-type earrings worn in the ear lobe only. Jewelry piercings in the cartilages or tragus of the ear may not be worn in clinic or in lab. No other visible pierced body adornments (including tongue rings) may be worn. Clear substitutions may not be worn in replacement of visible body adornments, including tongue piercings. Gages or gaging the earlobes or in the ears is not permitted. Bandages are not permitted to be worn on the ears or earlobes.

  • Hairstyles
    Hair must be tied back or pinned up, away from the face (including eyes) and off the collar. Hair coloration is limited to natural human hair colors. If a turban or scarf must be worn, it should be simple and match the uniform with prior approval.

  • Fingernails, Perfumes and Colognes
    Nails should be short and trimmed. Colored nail polish, French nail manicures and artificial nails or tips may not be worn. Use of cosmetics should be discrete and kept to a minimum. Perfume or cologne may not be used.

  • Tattoos
    All tattoos must be kept covered while on clinical rotations and in lab. Students are not permitted to wear bandages on the face, neck or ears to cover tattoos.

  • Left and Right Lead Markers
    Students must purchase two sets of right and left lead markers, rectangular red (right marker) and blue (left marker) with the student’s initials, to properly identify anatomical references on all radiographic exams. Typical costs are approximately $8 to $25 per set.

  • Cell Phones
    Students may carry cell phones but they may NOT be turned on while working with patients. Students may only use cell phones in the event of an emergency or while they are on break or at lunch. Cell phones may never be used in restricted areas, may not be charged at a clinical site and may not be used as a calculator during class or in lab.

  • Smoking
    AACC and sponsored clinical sites are smoke-free campuses. Students are not permitted to smoke on campus or smoke in their uniforms.

Criminal Background Checks and Drug Screening

Drug and Alcohol Prohibitions

  • Pertaining to prescribed medications
    Upon admission to the Radiologic Technology program, students must disclose all medications on their health form. Any changes in health (physical, mental or emotional) and/or medication status require submission of a Health Status Update form.

  • Medical Marijuana/Cannabis Policy
    Any student testing positive for cannabis may not be accepted into a clinical rotation by Maryland hospitals or health care facilities (including veterinary facilities), regardless of a legally obtained identification card. Inability to complete the clinical/practicum components of the programs results in students being unable to complete course requirements and thus unable to successfully complete the program.


Program and College Information

Radiologic Technology Mission Statement

This program supports the college mission by fostering excellence in learning and teaching as well as providing an environment conducive to student success. Program faculty are dedicated to preparing graduates who are technically competent, demonstrate a judicious use of ionizing radiation, exhibit optimal patient care and are prepared for their roles in diverse communities of interest.

Radiologic Technology Goals and Outcomes

Goal 1: Demonstrate clinical competence.


  • Apply proper positioning for all radiographic procedures performed.
  • Produce diagnostic images applying appropriate exposure parameters.
  • Follow appropriate radiation protective practices.

Goal 2: Demonstrate effective critical thinking skills.


  • Adapt for patients in a Trauma 1 clinical setting.
  • Adjust positioning skills and exposure parameters to meet patient needs and limitations.

Goal 3: Demonstrate effective communication skills.


  • Exhibit effective oral and written communication skills in the clinical setting.
  • Exhibit effective oral and written communication skills in the didactic setting.

Goal 4: Demonstrate professionalism.


  • Demonstrate a high level of professional conduct appropriate for an entry-level radiographer.
  • Demonstrate willingness to work for the common good.

Radiologic Technology Program Information

AACC Radiologic Technology Degree Admission Requirements

Academic Advising

Academic Calendar

AACC College Admissions

Earning ARRT Credentials

Registration Process for Credit and Degree Seekers

Credit Tuition and Fees

Diversity and Inclusion

Graduation Requirements

Grievance Policy and Procedures

Health and Safety COVID-19

Maryland Licensure

Refunds and Withdrawals

Student Resources

Transfer of Credits

Radiologic Technology Program Grading Scale

  • A score of 75% or greater is needed to successfully pass the national certification exam.
  • The Radiologic Technology program prepares students for success by following the national standard and having 75% as a minimum passing grade.
  • The program uses the grading scale seen here.

    A=90% to 100%
    B=80% to 89.9%
    C=75% to 79.9%
    D=60% to 74.9%
    F=59.9% and below

Radiologic Technology Professional Liability and Insurance

Liability (Malpractice) Insurance

A student is responsible for the student’s actions in contact with patients and others during clinical assignments. Students are covered by professional liability insurance through Anne Arundel Community College for acts or omissions committed within the scope of the students’ clinical assignment, including, but not limited to, negligence in patient care. Exceptions to insurance coverage may apply, such as an exception to coverage for intentional acts.

All incidents that occur during a clinical assignment that result in personal injury to patients, clinical affiliate personnel, or the student and/or property damage must be reported immediately to the clinical coordinator and program director as soon as practical. An incident report must be written to document what took place, and a copy of the report must be submitted to the program director of Radiologic Technology. All incident reports are kept on file in the School of Health Sciences office and undergo review by the dean of Health Sciences. The dean must submit the incident report to the college’s risk manager.

Health and Accident Insurance 

In the case of accidents or illness which occur during clinical hours, the following policies will apply. If a student becomes ill or injured while on duty, he/she should report to the clinical instructor or designate. If injury is clinically related, an incident report should be filed, and a copy should be sent to the program director. The student will be financially responsible for his/her treatment. In any case, if the student does not have any insurance coverage, any financial responsibility for treatment will be the student's responsibility. It is advisable to contact your health care and automobile insurance agent to inquire about health and accident insurance and premiums if you are not covered by spouse or parents.